A very rare and beautifully toned medal 1822 on the 100th anniversary of the community of Herrnhut
Los 3539
GERMANY. Sachsen-Herrnhut (Gemeinde). Medal 1822 (Silver, 43 mm, 28.38 g, 12 h), on the 100th anniversary of the community of Herrnhut. By K. W. Höckner, Dresden. ✱GOTT SPRACH: ES WERDE✱ / HERRENHUT WARD ZU BAUEN ANGEFANGEN D. 17 JUNY 1722. Three settlers approaching from the left and two foresters engaged in clearing work. Rev. UND ES WARD / HEUTE SIEHT MAN ES IN IUBEL PRANGEN D. 17. IUNY 1822. // DIE ERNEUERTE BRUDER-KIRCHE• Tree inscribed LUC.13; behind, Herrnhut and Hutberg. Goppel- . Herrnhut Inv. 3796. Schier 17a. Whiting -. Wurzbach -. Very rare and beautifully toned. Very minor scratches, otherwise, extremely fine.

The founding of the town of Herrnhut traces back to theologian Nikolaus Ludwig von Zinzendorf. In 1722, he offered refuge on his Berthelsdorf estate, near what is now Herrnhut, to the Moravian Brethren, a persecuted religious community. Under Zinzendorf's leadership, the settlers from Moravia established the Moravian Church, which has grown into an international denomination with over 1,000,000 members today.

This exceptionally rare medal is absent from most Reformatio in Nummis collections. The tree depicted, along with the inscription 'LUC. 13', refers to Luke 13:18-19, which compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed that grows into a large tree and the birds perched in its branches.
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